An aluminium "man" that rises, bows and makes a "speech": a knight-like robot!
It had the honor of making the first speech in opening the exhibition
and its success was such that London parents no longer frighten their
disobedient children with talk of the "bogey-man." It Is "Eric. the
Robot" who persuades the children into a regular and efficient
performance of their chores.
"The trouble is that up to the present time it needs two men to see that he does his work," said Captain Richards in describing his creation. "Thus as an economic factor it can't be said that he is paying his way. "
Sources: cyberneticzoo, whyfiles, Bundesarchv
"The trouble is that up to the present time it needs two men to see that he does his work," said Captain Richards in describing his creation. "Thus as an economic factor it can't be said that he is paying his way. "
Sources: cyberneticzoo, whyfiles, Bundesarchv
Here's a video of Eric the Robot.
Upon searching for this video, I never realized how many robots are named Eric.
Thanks, Warren! Erics approve your comment ;-)
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